What happened to Today.com… its down for days

As per the latest reports from the Industry the rumors are that Today.com has been acquired by the Microsof as it was found that this domain now forward to MSNBC’s Today Show website. It is also confirmed by the current Whois record for Today.com, it looks like Microsoft recently acquired the domain name Today.com, and it now forwards to MSNBC’s Today Show website. Prior to Microsoft’s ownership, it appeared to be registered by a company called Marksmen, Inc. which has been known to acquire domain names on behalf of large companies like Microsoft. Prior to that, it was privately registered, and just before that, Domain Capital was shown as the registrant.If you are still not known about the Today.com then here are the details… it was the blogging plate form, paying blog authors for their article publishing its domain network. When started it was among the popular sites which was paying its registered users $1 for a single post in a day along with $2 for 1000 unique visitors their blog receives.

But apparently later it has changed its plan to only $2 per 1000 unique visitors which was much criticized by its users, finally caused the most of its contributors gone away. Now the final news it that now it has shuts down its shop but now the question arises what about the posts which have written by the several people through which they are earning a lot because this site was attracting more than half a million unique visitors per month. But now everything has been closed and so as happened to hundreds of the sub domain linked to that site (This is why most of the people prefer blogging on their own domain… no body knows when a blogging plateform like Today.com could be shut down)

However these days it was also reffered by most of us as the Biggest Blogging Scam for their policies… but finally everything has became a thing of past…

But if you are one of the people had an blog on the Today.com domain plz do mention about your feeling… in the comment section.


  1. I had a blog at today.com The cute food blog, and I worked on it for over a year it had about 300 posts over 2,500 comments, and about 1,000 views a day. Today.com was a site that paid you to blog with them or that’s what they told you when you sign up with them. So I signed up hoping to get the promised $1-$5 per post, depending on the quality of the article….

  2. I had two blogs on today.com back in the day but I was one of the ones who became fed up with their BS and rule changes. When I first started they gave you your money no matter how much you’d made that month, then they changed it to $50 minimum, then they said no more dollar per post. When I left they owed me $30. After losing my dollar per post I worked very hard to more than double my readers the next month, but it did not matter what I did because I felt like just as I’d get use to the new rules they’d change them. So I left.

    I’m happy to see that my blogs have been erased and they’re no longer in business; scammers.

    • I don’t know whether this is still possible or not but Ryan Some how managed to get them back with the help of Violetter Here is his excrpet from the link http://todayexiles.blogspot.com/2010/05/todaycom-is-dead.html

      I could get a full article about what happened. The short version is, once they stopped paying anything but affiliate links and AdSense, and I found a new place to host the blogs, I set up the new site, paid off (trying a little to negotiate first), Violette helped me find the export file, I discovered that while they can apparently export just fine to the new domain, it doesn’t work on a standard WordPress blog, so now I’m copy-pasting in all my old posts by hand. The positive thinker in me notes that at least my categories are a lot more organized now.

      Just ask how he managed it?

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