Many times while surfing some website there is a massage which we face very frequently i.e. Server Not Found Check your internet connection. Now what this massage mean? This massage can be because of many reason like the site can be actually down for any maintenance or any up-gradation work. Or may be your local host or the service provider have any issue with that particular site.
Apart from the above reasons there is also a possibility that your computer may be affaceted by any virus which is prohibiting your pc to gain the direct connection to the web. So whatever may be the cause the question is; how can we know if any site is really down or it is only happen so to our pc only.
For the purpose there are several sites which claims to find the same but i have found DNS Tools very effective.
Just click on the above link given and type the url address or the IP address of the site you want to track. Before you hit enter don’t forget to click on Port 80 and Ping host option this will instantly show you the status of the website.
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