Though you may have evolved your PC very much from every aspect like Gaming, typing, Image Editing, Movie or MP3 capabilities but have you ever work around several math equation like placing several signs like omega under-root… (though many of them I have forget but i am sure you must know several of them…) then does it also the as easy as you have done the terms mentioned above? Not much easy it was.. Hai na (Do you agree)?
It was same happened to last week when my son came to me and asked How can he could complete his math project as it required to look very nice as it would help in gaining points. So far I was never caught in such a situation where I have to place horrible looking characters to be design on PC. I have heard of some CAD-CAM programs that is said to be the toughest but in front of current problem that was looking less complicated to me? But there I cannot get any excuse as I have to find a solution then finally I have reached to a solution…
Yes! Math-o-mir was the solution for me at that moment. It has very simple interface like the one we have already in the form of Notepad which can be used to solve maths problems even on the computer. Math-o-mir is a software tool designed to write and edit mathematical equations as easily as possible.
The goal was to achieve the same level of simplicity as with pencil and sheet of paper. So once I have downloaded and install it was very easy to use and I insist this is must have piece of software to be ready with when required.
This free tool is surely worth a try and is very simple to use.