Gzmfmqsf0ME&loop=1&autoplay=1There are lot of stuffs on Youtube which we want to view very frequentl. Sometimes for any video may be a song or any tutorial which we want to be restart automatically without mouse click involvement. If you however ever wished to do so then there is a simple url edit you can follow as described below:
Lets say you are watching a Youtube Video whose url is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzmfmqsf0ME then you need to append the url with Loop=1 and autoplay=1 at the end and also remove watch? and replacing v= with v/ means the final url be as http://www.youtube.com/v/Gzmfmqsf0ME&loop=1&autoplay=1
Doing so will instruct the browser to automatically repeat the playback whenever it reached to the end. If you copy n paste the above modified url in the address bar then the playback will be in full screen mode automatically hiding everything like Video description as well as the comment section.
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