Actually in the web there can’t be any alternative of Google; but where comes the issue of privacy and secure search then Google has not remain safe any more; with lots of cookies stored and saving users search preference in his databases. Every time you search on Google, it keep a history of everything and as per its strategy plans it keep this data until 2038! Now what? If you ever however been cautious about your search behavior then I must sure you will abide Google to a service which can give you results in a similar manner as Google does but with simple safe and private interface.
If it is so then how about filtering Google Search using Scroogle: If you are hearing it for the first time then you must be wondering what this service is? Scroogle is Google search proxy which prevents the searcher’s data being stored by Google. Scroogle also gives users the option of having all comunication between their computer and the search page be SSL encripted. The Scroogle only keeps history for only 48 hours and never saves your cookies in comparison to Google Plans.
With Scroogle; if you search any term then left all your worries of someone knowing what you are searching for and to top it off they don’t bother you with ads! Hiding your IP address is a must for some people while others it doesn’t seem to bother them. Though there are still some sites telling not to use Scroogle because it infringes on ‘Google’ site but it all depends on you as this is finally your privacy, choice; and the reason why you need this.
Visit Safe Search link here