September 26, 2024September 26, 2024admin कोरलड्रॉ में Productivity बढ़ाने के 20 टिप्स (विंडोज़ और मैक)
September 22, 2024September 22, 2024admin Adobe Illustrator और Photoshop में एनिमेटेड ज़ूम (Scrubby Zoom) बनाम नॉर्मल ज़ूम
September 22, 2024September 22, 2024admin Photoshop में Seamless Scrolling को अनलॉक करें: Overscroll को सक्षम कैसे करें
December 30, 2015December 30, 2015admin Steps to Install WordPress Using XAMPP on LocalHost on Windows PC
August 7, 2012November 27, 2015admin Close (Stand by) Inactive Tabs Automatically in Chrome Browser after a set time
August 5, 2012August 5, 2012admin Automatic Mouse Clicker – Set Mouse Buttons to click automatically on given intervals
August 3, 2012July 29, 2012admin Why watch just ask? Say the time – A wonderful talking clock with alarm
August 2, 2012July 29, 2012admin Extend memory of copy clipboard text to multiple items – Extended Windows Clipboard manager
August 1, 2012July 29, 2012admin Disable Message – Allow this webpage to access your clipboard to IE (Internet Explorer)
July 31, 2012July 29, 2012admin Check Online Shipment for Free: Utility for online shoppers and sellers to track their shipments
July 30, 2012July 29, 2012admin Perform Calculation using Google Search – Google Search Engine Calculator
July 28, 2012July 28, 2012admin Use Google Search in your own freehand Handwriting on Smart Phone or Android
July 22, 2012July 24, 2012admin How to refresh Windows Registry Settings to the default state? Solved…
July 17, 2012July 17, 2012admin Tip to hide the arrow curser when typing text document – Hide mouse curser
July 16, 2012July 16, 2012admin Convert Android phone into a remote control for PC – use it as wireless mouse and keyboard